Monday, 10 October 2011

Hiya YEAH code

Welcome my fellow friends! Enjoy my friend, we shall all enjoy this wonderful post. Ok enough with the mannerly talk lets get this party started! To start us off I have a sesonal hat for Club Penguin! It has to do with pumpkins. It is a pumpkin hat just type in the word below and enjoy. Don't forget to post comments!


Pandapix27 ROCK IT

Sunday, 28 August 2011

anyone listen?

Does anyone look at this blog??! even connor doesn't look at this blog!!


Sunday, 22 May 2011


Gonzo's armband's are missing! One you get to the Pirate and he says to say who the person who took the armbands is. The answer is Hering or Horst Hering. The captin. Then he gives u a captin hat.
I don't care if i spelled it wrong .


Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Say Bye to Panfu Help

Panfu Help ( Conner's old blog ) is shutting down FOREVER! Other cheats will start on this blog.
Everyone who reads this do NOT be mean to Conner a really awesome and cool guy! He knows just about everything about computer games!
Conner is the only hope I had for the Ice Diamond quest on panfu! If no one reads this.... too bad for you because you just missed a lot of Conner here!

Pandapix27 is here to fight for CONNER!


Tuesday, 1 February 2011



If your wondering i am Pandapix27, I play most computer games you play and more.

This is going to be the best blog ever, even if it's new.


P.S. My name is Vee  

Friday, 28 January 2011



Its connor here (off

I write in RED bold just so you know, You will ALWAYS know if its me if i write in blue or anything!

Me and Paintcan42 (Jack) Are SHARING the blog.

Well, I made the blog and added him as an admin(istrator) author.



The First Post!

This is the first post! (Ha ha) Now... What do you think about the Brown Puffle?? I think they did build the robot again! I don't know hmm...

Maybe I can make a poll! (Even though I am talking to no one but me and Conner.)
